Tag: Software
Inkscape 1.0 – Why You Should Use It
So you’ve drawn yourself a logo design on paper; you’re going to need a vector graphic if you want to put your logo on banners, signs, the side of a van, etc. I can convert your logo design to a versatile vector graphic quickly, and you won’t have to pay an arm or a leg…
Why You Should Use Scrivener 3
Around a year ago I wrote a review of the writing software I use: Scrivener by Literature and Latte. That was in the days of Scrivener 2, but recently Literature and Latte released a massive update. After doing a lot of writing in the new version, I now feel ready to review it. Put simply,…
Scapple Review
I use Scrivener by Literature and Latte for all my writing. I’ve already written a review of that app so I’ll just sum it up by saying that it’s a fully-featured studio for writers; it has virtually everything you’ll need to write and organize any writing project. Sometimes, however, you just need to map out…
Scrivener 2 Review
Scrivener 2 is dead—long live Scrivener 3! Read about it in my more recent article: Why You Should Use Scrivener 3. I don’t know if I can offer Scrivener 2 any praise that’s not already been said, and even as I write this I’m terrified of simply regurgitating what many, many others have written on…